New Heroes Database

Welcome to the New Heroes Database (NHD). This site was created exclusively so that the characters you have created may have a place where they can belong. As part of the NHD, they will be part of a community rather than stay in a folder where only you can enjoy them.

Unlike other database sites, this site will not portray known characters from the major comic book companies but independant authors are welcome to include theirs. The characters in the NHD will have their own profile page. They will also have a stats chart derived from the criteria established by the site. Along with the character's information, your name will be listed as their creator and a link will be posted to your own site.

Latest News (Feb 7, 2025) 

 New:  The NHD has reached 1,000,000 visitors. 
 New:    Gaia Force #6 is done and ready for print. Presently working on the French version.
 New:  The BW version of Gaia Force #6,  Gaia Force #7 and Gaia Force #8 are complete, text and all, but will only be released after the coloured version of Gaia Force #6 has been released.

 New -  Many new character and team logos have been added. The Logo page can be found in More Stuff section.
 New - Character Spotlight. Black Sting black sting and Vipera vipera. Now appearing in:

 New - Rarest abilities page
 New - New comics available in Comics section

Newest characters

Magisto  volathek  Nile Hound  Katsuo  Bison  Cosnik  Zohreth  Death Charge  Doll-E  T3D-E  Devana 

Recently added characters 

Octonaut    Golden Leopard  Ouraeus  Kaliyuga  Lord Trimer  Xoura  Mime  Jinniyya  Heinous 



Now over

characters, thanks to you all!

visitors to date